Quartz Crystals Temperature Test System
PI - network Measurement
New State of the Art Features
? Multi-Tasking operation in Microsoft Windows? allows testing in background while generating reports and graphs
by operator
? Test limits such as Temperature range and ppm can be changed after actual testing, this gives better reports and
graphs presentation for customers
? Support both “Direct impedance measure” & “Phy. CL “ for FL measurement (Optional Phy CL head)
? User Programmable Drive Level : 10nW - 1mW ( max and min power depends on Rr of crystal )
? Crystal Measurement through passive ? network techniques with KH1800 / KH1820 network analyser
? Multiple crystal types may be accommodated in the same temperature run
? Automatic C0 cancellation for high frequencies
? User friendly system operation including menu driven, mouse operation and easy system calibration
? Perform pass/fail testing to user specified limits
? Stacked dual row test wheels can hold up to 508 crystals per chamber ( depends on crystal type )
? Measures : Fs, FL, Rs, CL, C0, C1, L1, Q, Ts, C0/C1, DF, DLD, Spurious scan, Fs/T, and FL/T
? Optional Chinese operating software
? Frequency Range : KH1120 or KH1800 (option) : 1 - 120 MHz
KH1240 or KH1820 (option): 1 - 240 MHz
Standard System Configuration
? KH1120 or KH1240 (option KH1800 or KH820) Crystal ? Network Analyser
? KH7700 System Operating Software & System Cabling
? KM5901 Switch Box
? Work table
? KH7220 Chamber (Option: KH7600 Chamber)
? Dual Row ? network test head and 4 inch cover (Optional : Stacked Dual Row ? Network Test Head and 8" cover)
? Dual row test wheel
? Industrial computer or Lenovo Computer (or compatible) with Windows? XP
System Options
? Dual Chamber, Multi-Task, Time sharing Testing
? Chinese Language Support
? Laser printer
Software Capabilities
Easy Test Set up and Operation
? The user friendly Windows? environment eliminates the need of remembering how to operate or program a
Other Standard Reports
? Printout of Crystal Failures
? Printout of Crystal Measurements
? Printout of Frequency and Resistance vs. Temperature
? Plot of Frequency and Resistance vs. Temperature
? Tabular Printout of the Curve-fit Data
? Data Transfer to other standard applications, such as dBase, Lotus etc. for further analysis