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ASTM D2565依照G151和G155測試方法規(guī)定塑料氙燈曝露測試的具體程序和測試條件。本測試方法也適用于樣品的制備,測試條件最適用于塑料和測試結果的評估。

ASTM D2565英文摘抄
1. Scope
1.1 This practice covers specific procedures and test conditions that are applicable for xenon-arc exposure of plastics conducted in accordance with Practices G 151 and G 155. This practice also covers the preparation of test specimens, the test conditions best suited for plastics, and the evaluation of test results.
Note 1—Previous versions of this practice referenced xenon-arc devices described in Practice G 26, which described very specific equipment designs. Practice G 26 is being replaced by Practice G 151, which describes performance criteria for all exposure devices that use laboratory light sources and by Practice G 155, which gives requirements for exposing nonmetallic materials in xenon-arc devices. Practice G 26 will be balloted for withdrawal before December 2000.
1.2 This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.
Note 2—This practice is technically equivalent to ISO 4892-2.
2. Referenced Documents
2.1 ASTM Standards:
D 1293 Test Methods for pH of Water
D 3980 Practice for Interlaboratory Testing of Paint and Related Materials
D 5870 Practice for Calculating Property Retention Index of Plastics
E 691 Practice for Conducting an Interlaboratory Study to Determine the Precision of a Test Method
G26 Practice for Operating Light-Exposure Apparatus (Xenon-Arc Type) With and Without Water for Exposure of Nonmetallic Materialss
G 113 Terminology Relating to Natural and Artificial Weathering Tests of Nonmetallic Materials
G 141 Guide for Addressing Variability in Exposure Testingon Nonmetallic Materiais '
G 147 Practice for Conditioning and Handling of Nonmetallic Materials for Natural and Artificial Weathering Tests
G 151 Practice for Exposing Nonmetallic Materials in Accelerated Test Devices That Use Laboratory Light Sources
G I55 Practice for Operating Xenon-Arc Light Apparatus for Exposure of Nonmetailic Materials
2.2 ISO Standard:6
IS0 4892-2 Plastics-Methods of Exposure to Laboratory Light Sources - Part 2, Xenon Arc Lamp